As experienced harassment lawyers in Melbourne, it means you will be in safe legal hands should you find yourself in this difficult position or situation. Harassment of any kind is not allowed, and there are legal steps you can take in order to swiftly deal with the situation.
Taking a Stance Against Harassment
Harassment in a working environment can take different forms, but we must point out that no form of harassment is allowed at any time from a legal perspective. As an employee, you have a number of rights that are put into place to protect you from such a situation as this one.
Harassment and bullying can be detrimental to your health and ability to do your job correctly. There are numerous legal precedents that cover these specific actions, and as lawyers that specialise in this area, we know how to take an active stance against harassment, and to protect you.
Our company is highly experienced at dealing with these sorts of cases. We delve deep into the law surrounding harassment in both the workplace, and life in general.
That knowledge, mixed in with our experience, means you will be in safe hands. We have been involved in a number of these cases over the years, and we have the intricate knowledge of the law that you should be searching for.
To learn more about our background, call us today to speak to one of our team and see how we can make a difference. We are here and ready for your call.
Is it Harassment?
Our experience as harassment lawyers in Melbourne has shown there is a major problem as so many people are unaware if what they are experiencing is actually harassment. That means they fail to take some sort of action against the company or individual, which can then lead to people either leaving their job, or simply carrying on and trying to ignore what is happening.
You should do neither of those things. Instead, if you are unsure if what you are experiencing does count as harassment, then you need to contact us today in order to find out more.
Our team of lawyers have dealt with a number of harassment cases over the years. It means we are perfectly positioned to determine what is harassment, or bullying, and what is not. If it does indeed fall under the legal definition of harassment, then we will advise you on the correct steps that you need to take to help.
So if you are concerned as to whether or not you are dealing with a harassment case, then get in touch with us today. Our team of legal experts are on hand to listen to your situation, and provide you with accurate and clear legal advice on where you stand.
We can assure you that we take each harassment case very seriously indeed. You do not have to suffer, or contend with this type of situation any longer, so call and speak to us today.
How We Deal with Harassment?
Harassment is a serious issue. Sadly, it’s also something that is often overlooked or even ignored. But we can help you deal with this difficult situation.
We empathise and listen to each individual, and we take each call seriously. We do not judge or make any other comment aside from looking at it all from a purely legal perspective.
By taking this approach, it means our clients feel that someone is taking on board what they are saying, and also that they are believed when it comes to claims of harassment.
Our team of lawyers have the ability to quickly identify the best route to go regarding your own individual case. We are there to answer any questions you may have regarding this situation, and you are free to ask anything you like.
But we are also completely honest with everything. We feel that our clients deserve absolute honesty even if this is not something that they really want to hear.
However, when we are dealing with a case of harassment, we make sure that every aspect of the case is covered, and that you are left with a feeling that this harassment issue is going to quickly become a thing of the past.
The Law Against Harassment
The law against either harassment or bullying in the workplace, or life in general, is clear. It is not allowed across Australia.
People should be free to work and live without any form of pressure. They should be free from being discriminated against in any way. Every individual should be treated as an equal, and any individual or policy that does not allow this to happen is then classed as being discriminatory.
Unfortunately, discrimination leads to harassment or bullying. It can make people ill and even feel that they cannot continue to work to the best of their ability.
Harassment comes in different forms. It can be written, verbal, or physical. Of course, an individual may suffer harassment in more than one form, but even if your situation has only occurred on one single occasion, you should still not suffer in silence.
The law is there to support you, and the law is on your side. However, you cannot do it alone. Instead, you still require a lawyer or legal team that is going to help you to deal with whatever the problem may be.
To learn exactly how we can help, make sure you call us today in order to talk to one of our harassment and discrimination law experts.
Your Next Step
The next step that you need to take is an easy one if you are suffering from some form of harassment. All that’s required is for you to go ahead and give us a call and talk to a member of our team.
We can guarantee that we will listen to what is going on, and provide you with clear and accurate legal advice as to what should happen next. By the end of speaking to us, you are going to feel substantially better about everything, and you will also know that people are on your side.